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Stopped production

The Awak Tandem is the ideal compromise for tandem pilots.

At the forefront of inovation in the Mini-Wing concept, ITV now offers a small light tandem wing, easy to handle, fast with none to envy performance wise from its competition. In spite of its 33 m2 surface area, the Awak tandem takes off without any difficulty due to a flawless inflation. The initial lifting phase is short followed by an immediate sense of well-being under the wing.

The Awak Tandem’s behavior is remarkably sound and easy to tame. The turn is precise, the toggle pressure firm but not physical, the air-speed surprising and the icing on the cake comes with a straight- forward approach followed by a landing with a clean ground effect.

The certification was obtained with two distinct weight brackets : • EN-B for 100 to 185 kg.
• EN-C for 185 to 220 kg

in detail


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technical data

Taille / Size : 33m
A/R : 5.4
Alvéoles / Cells : 46
PTV parapente / Paragliding All up weight : 100-220kg
PTV paramoteur / PPG All up weight : 100-293kg
Vitesse bras hauts / Trim speed : 45 km/h
Vitesse max / Max speed : 55 km/h
Homologation / Certification :EN-B (180kg) / EN-C (220kg)